'Burning' leads walk the red carpet at Cannes

Article: Jun Jong Seo and Yoo Ah in, 'so moved'

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+336, -39] It's gotta be hard to have your entire lead cast be so disliked

2. [+303, -44] Yoo Ah In's being cringe all the way over there too

3. [+280, -39] One pretends to be woke on Instagram, one presses like on a rising sun flag, one gives arrogant attitude...

4. [+31, -2] Shouldn't have taken Jun Jong Seo's picture, she doesn't like it when you do that

5. [+23, -2] Jun Jong Seo really doesn't seem like she's got anything going on in her head. She should give up her spot to an actress more desperate for these opportunities.


Source: Nate

1. [+241, -64] Wow... Jun Jong Seo, who hates her fans and reporters... Steven Yeun, who presses like on a rising sun photo... Yo Ah In, who can do everything but serve in the army apparently... kyah, what a combination

2. [+131, -25] I bet that tryhard is thinking "Ah... I'm.. tearing up... this happiness... everyone's attention is on me... I am me, after all..."

3. [+108, -20] Jun Jong Seo: "What is this idiot crying over the Cannes for?"

4. [+19, -3] Cannes, a stage of dreams for many... and yet Jun Jong Seo was invited with no experience at all. Seems she doesn't fully understand the prestige of this experience.


Source: Nate

1. [+295, -12] She has no problem smiling at posing at the Cannes~

2. [+251, -14] Her ego is poking the sky after just one movie ㅋㅋ

3. [+213, -12] How about she just stay there ㅋㅋ

4. [+19, -5] All that cringing and hiding her face because she didn't want her photos taken in Korea ㅋㅋ yeah, just stay there

5. [+18, -1] Now look at her
