Swings looks gaunt after his dramatic weight loss

Article: "Looking unrecognizably gaunt" Swings, slimmer face with diet

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+620, -13] They say that fat people are like scratch-off lottery tickets but this one's a dud. And yet I bet he thinks he's still some hip hop master, some hot stuff that everyone's jealous over..

2. [+520, -10] Even with weight loss, he's still ugly and unlikable

3. [+476, -21] Looking even worse with weight loss, he looked better when he was fat

4. [+32, -0] I guess weight loss isn't always the best form of plastic surgery.........

5. [+29, -1] Wow, first time I thought a person looked uglier after weight loss

6. [+29, -2] He just looks like a sick pig now

7. [+26, -0] There's something about his eyes... that make you feel icky. Probably why the public is so uncomfortable with him.

8. [+21, -0] He went from being a fat octopus to a skinny octopus

9. [+12, -0] Ugh my eyes

10. [+10, -0] Now that he's lost weight, his facial features look uglier in an even more distinctive way
