Kim Saeng Min voluntarily drops out of his 7 variety shows

Article: [Official statement] 'Metoo' Kim Saeng Min voluntarily drops out of his 7 variety shows

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+2,237, -46] As easy as it is for celebrities to shoot to fame, it's just as easy for it to crumble...

2. [+1,862, -190] All this over trying to save a few bucks from just hiring some girls... tsk tsk ^^

3. [+1,718, -97] Hyung, farewell. With all that money you've been saving, you have enough to float you without needing all this TV work, right?

4. [+207, -276] It's not like Jo Min Ki or Jo Jae Hyun's scandals where there were multiple victims involved, and it's not like he consistently harassed these women... he did it while he was drunk, is this whole thing really something to be blown up over? Shouldn't an apology and a settlement be enough? Have none of you ever made mistakes while drunk? He didn't kill anyone, all he needed was to reach a settlement with the other victim, is it really necessary to pull someone's entire career down like this? Are the women satisfied with the outcome? I've suffered harassment like this at work but the men came up to me the next day and apologized for being drunk and I just let it go. I truly wonder how clean the people who are hating on him are. None of you ever made mistakes? There are druggies and murderers still on TV, I feel like Kim Saeng Min's #metoo has crossed the line.

5. [+136, -2] The reason Kim Saeng Min's scandal blew up as big as it did was not because of what happened but because he's been on TV this whole time judging and looking down on others, yelling "stupid!" at them when he's been a phony all along

6. [+102, -96] Isn't the point of #metoo to point out the power discrepancy between the people who abuse their power against subordinates for sexual gain? Is something that happened 10 years ago at an after work dinner where he probably just hugged a staff member at most necessary to end his career over? If he wasn't a celebrity, he would've been able to just apologize and move on but he's getting the most extreme punishment because he's a public figure. Were people jealous at his success? If the women truly wanted an apology out of him, they should've contacted his agency first. The fact that they reported it to Dispatch first means that their motive was to exile his career out of revenge.

7. [+97, -100] I do feel that he's being punished far too severely for his crime

8. [+94, -26] These comments... you guys do realize that his victims lost their jobs 10 years ago because of this? Would you be as forgiving if the same thing happened to you? ㅡㅡ

9. [+81, -0] Took him 20 years to reach this fame and he lost it all overnight... Shows that life has a way of punishing you for every crime you commit.

10. [+72, -84] What did he do so wrong that he's being ruined over something that happened 10 years ago?
