Hyuna shows off her new bangs at the airport

Article: Hyuna 'cutely chopped bangs'

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+301, -27] She's prettiest with regular black hair and minimal make up but I guess she's into styles like this more... Too bad everything about her recent look is tacky from the hair color to the bangs to the make up, she looks like an auntie from the 80s

2. [+229, -39] How is this a good look

3. [+193, -26] She's always over the top...

4. [+22, -2] Is that beauty mark on purpose?

5. [+19, -3] Ugh this make up... she looks like an older auntie who hasn't gotten married yet

6. [+17, -1] Looks weird in a way that I can't explain, she looks like an ajumma

7. [+16, -0] Nose job, fake looking beauty mark, fake chest... I'm honestly curious as to how she'll end up in her later years... she's going down Lindsay Lohan's path right now

8. [+13, -2] She needs to bring her 'Red' coordi back, she was prettiest then

9. [+11, -0] She seems to really be into the boho kitschy style but it doesn't match her

10. [+10, -0] You can see this style all over alleyway streets in remote American towns... ㅎㅎ

11. [+9, -1] She used to be so pretty but that look is gone now... I feel like she'd look better with less of that bloated, puffy look
