Choi Siwon to hold a solo fan meet in Taiwan

Article: Super Junior's Choi Siwon to have a solo fan meet in Taiwan

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+333, -14] Woof woof woof!!! Woof woof woof woof woof woof!!!!!!!

2. [+298, -11] Only the dead is pitied

3. [+273, -10] Great, he can do the fan meet with his dog

4. [+17, -3] Aigoo.. as hated as some celebrities are in Korea, they're still raking in cash overseas... So many pet families are being given the side eye all because your family couldn't handle your own dog.

5. [+15, -1] What a ba$tard

6. [+14, -2] A.m.a.z.i.n.g.

7. [+11, -1] The dog is not at fault, it's all the owner's fault for not training it properly, therefore he should be arrested. There are so many pet owners who are given the side eye out on the streets because of this ba$tard.

8. [+11, -0] Please just go live there forever instead of committing murder with your dog here in Korea. The pet laws are turning to sh*t all because of you.

9. [+10, -0] Can SM please throw out him and Kangin already?

10. [+8, -1] Vile
