TV: The Great Seducer

Article: 'The Great Seducer'... you're abnormal if you don't fall for Joy's smile... 

Source: News 24 via Naver

1. [+1,208, -307] I guess I'm abnormal then

2. [+1,074, -362] There is a clear difference in facial features between a professional actor and an idol...

3. [+936, -289] I must be abnormal then

4. [+926, -361] Did she seriously take lessons for this pathetic acting

5. [+629, -108] The drama has nothing worth calling a plot

6. [+304, -43] Her character's about playing hard to get but she doesn't do any of that... ㅠ if anything, she falls in love faster than any other drama character ㅋㅋ

7. [+330, -113] This drama is hitting the worst ever viewer ratings and yet 24 news articles are out about it... what does that mean

8. [+258, -42] I realized the scriptwriter is desperate for viewer ratings after seeing how fast she made a character who's supposed to play hard to get just fall in love like that... I almost feel bad for the scriptwriter.

9. [+349, -141] I suppose the majority of the public is abnormal then ㅋㅋ

10. [+344, -144] Acting just isn't for anyone
