#metoo confessions continue to uncover the darkest horrors of academia

Article: [Exclusive video] Academia is still reeling with #metoo confessions "You need to experience being raped in order to do art"

Source: News 1 via Nate

Alleged statements by a famous musician and professor said to his students, "You need to experience being raped in order to do art. Give me a call if you want to be raped", "Before we work together, our bodies need to become one so that we can produce one work of art."

1. [+1,790, -23] Well if you want to rape someone, you should also be beaten to a pulp. Give me a call if you want to rape anyone. I'll give your body a thorough check and make sure at least one body part is beat up.

2. [+1,292, -16] Keep the confessions going, let's move society forward by leaving these guys behind!!

3. [+1,167, -14] Trash

4. [+45, -3] Looks like we're going to need to castrate men before we let them into the arts~

5. [+33, -1] Castration, let's go~

6. [+32, -1] I wonder if these men are able to say this to their own daughters?

7. [+31, -1] Is he nuts? You need to be raped in order to do art? How can he think those are words meant to be said? So if his own daughter wanted to go into the arts, he'd want her to be raped too?~~ Crazy idiots~~

8. [+28, -1] I'm a man myself and I'm wondering in what trashy environment does one need to be raised in to come up with a stupid thought like that? I'm sad that parts of the #metoo movement are being abused but I really do hope that it's an opportunity to pick out the trash in every industry of our society.

9. [+27, -0] As a human being, how do you not realize that rape is a crime? Fulfilling your own sexual desires by using force against someone stricken with horror and fear over you is just a part of the job??? It's what's needed to be successful? How was he able to live a normal day to day life with disgusting thoughts like that?

10. [+21, -0] Guys like him just need to be castrated
