Hyosung reveals her agency hasn't paid her since 2015

Article: 'Contract dispute' Jun Hyosung rep, "She hasn't been paid since 2015"

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+349, -6] Her agency's a thug. So she was promised a contract deposit of 500 million won but they're only paying her 5 million won a month which means they'll have to be paying her for at least the next 10 years if you include interest. That's basically a slave contract since they're holding her down with the deposit. What trash.

2. [+305, -5] Her agency is trash

3. [+265, -5] They're trash, why would you work someone and not pay them?

4. [+26, -1] This is why Han Sunhwa threw her own group away and left for another agency

5. [+20, -0] Their agency went from working out of a basement to owning a 4 story building thanks to SECRET and they're saying they have no money to pay her?? Jun Hyosung and Song Jieun have been consistently working, where'd that money go?

6. [+19, -0] I looked up TS and they're the same company that BAP sued for slave contracts

7. [+19, -1] So she worked for 3 years without pay? Since when were unpaid internships a thing with celebrities? Hopefully they at least let her pay for things on the company card?

8. [+15, -1] She was only paid 6 million won in 2015? Wow... meanwhile there are some ba$tards out there making 300 million won after a year and complaining that it's not enough...

9. [+13, -0] How crazy... they really think they can work someone like a slave and not pay them???

10. [+8, -0] That doesn't make Sunhwa the traitor then

11. [+8, -0] Can't believe there are a lot of companies like this still...

12. [+5, -0] Both SECRET and BAP had a lot of talent but are facing such unfortunate ends because of their agency
