Weki Meki's comeback postponed due to Fantagio's financial crisis

Article: [Exclusive] JC Group blocks all of Fantagio's business credit cards... managers 'in nervous panic'

Source: Star Today via Nate

Article talks about how Fantagio's largest shareholder recently became a Chinese company named JC Group who ended up terminating all of the business credit cards being used by the managers and staff to cut down on expenses, a decision that came after they also dismissed CEO and founder Na Byung Joon.

1. [+1,693, -28] Those poor managers... these actors make hundreds of thousands more than them, why should the managers be forced to handle the costs at their own expense? Actors should handle their own expenses and get it expensed by the company on their own.

2. [+1,032, -14] The managers need to go on a strike and the actors need to use that as an excuse file a lawsuit to terminate their contracts. The company will be nothing but a shellt hen ㅋㅋ

3. [+119, -0] This is what happens when you take in Chinese funding without thinking it through. You end up with your celebrities being pulled in to weird Chinese events and random firings and switch outs of Korean staff. Korean companies need to make sure that they keep their stocks to themselves.

4. [+67, -2] It's the owner's fault for basically selling his company off to the Chinese...

5. [+53, -3] This is what happens when you trust Chinese funding ㅋㅋㅋ Even Jeju Island has a ton of real estate being bought up by the Chinese right now... in a few years, we'll have areas of Korea owned by the Chinese who will ban Korean entrance ㅋㅋㅋ


Article: [Exclusive] Weki Meki finishes album jacket filming but comeback postponed... why?

Source: E-Daily via Nate

1. [+381, -32] Na Byung Joon swallowed up all the Chinese funding to try and grow his company but ended up ruining it, he reaped what he sowed

2. [+305, -58] Seems like IOI was the best it was ever going to get for Choi Yoojung and Kim Doyeon

3. [+186, -36] Whoever thought this would happen to Fantagio...

4. [+162, -28] It's because the actors got pissed when the Chinese company fired the CEO so the Chinese company retaliated by taking away all their business credit cards. How are the celebrities going to promote without any money? They can't afford to put gas in their car or even buy food. All of the actors who are in dramas right now are running off of their managers paying out of their own credit cards, tsk tsk.

5. [+55, -7] The company's business credit cards have been taken away so realistically, Weki Meki's comeback is postponed indefinitely...

6. [+52, -10] So is Fantagio over with now??..
