Taeyang reveals he isn't sure when he's going to enlist yet

Article: Taeyang mentions army enlistment, "I'll go someday, I don't know when yet"

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+372, -21] The way that he evades the point makes me think he's trying not to serve at all. How are you 30 years old and still don't know when you're supposed to serve?

2. [+369, -15] He's how old and doesn't know when he's supposed to serve?

3. [+266, -5] Enlist already! You have to do it anyway, might as well get it over with

4. [+34, -10] I bet you GD's going to get out of it somehow

5. [+28, -1] He talks like he's still in his early twenties... the fact that he uses the word "someday"... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+22, -0] Is the company not letting you serve or are you choosing not to serve

7. [+22, -1] Surely some disability we never knew about isn't going to suddenly pop out, right?

8. [+17, -2] Wow, does he have sh*t for brains? How can you say that with cameras rolling ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+17, -0] At your age, you should be serving next year...

10. [+12, -1] Idiot tsk tsk. Im Siwan is the same age as you and has already enlisted, you piece of trash

11. [+11, -1] He talks like he has 10 years left to enlist... is this a part of some big picture?

12. [+10, -2] You're 30 years old...

13. [+8, -0] How do you "not know" at that age? Jesus...

14. [+8, -0] My little brother is working his a$$ off to protect his country right now, makes me realize how immature these celebrities really are
