Police give statement on Taeyeon's car accident + 'Paris Baguette' releases Taeyeon's Christmas carol

Article: [Official] Police say, "No right of arraignment on Taeyeon's car accident, she misunderstood because there was no pocket lane"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+264, -38] I knew this would happen

2. [+192, -18] Taeyeon thinks she's so big now

3. [+185, -17] Really annoying how a star who is dependent on her image for her livelihood is trying to fight with the public...

4. [+28, -3] How long was she staring at her dashboard for? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ There's no reason to be staring at it for that long in the middle of driving. Look at her internet browser history at the time of driving, I assure you 100% that she was doing something else. She's lying through her teeth.

5. [+18, -2] Looks like all of Taeyeon's stupid fangirls are walkers and have never drive in their lives. How can you possibly believe that she caused a 3 car collision because she was staring at her dashboard? ㅋㅋ Anyone who's held a wheel in their life will know that's a lie

6. [+15, -9] Sure, by law, Taeyeon hasn't broken anything. But the public wants her to feel sorry for what she did and her entire attitude and the things she's said after the accident aren't showing that, which is a shame.

7. [+12, -0] All you stupid fans, put your hand over your heart and tell me that you would've let this whole thing go if Taeyeon caused your car accident


Article: Taeyeon reveals carol video... bright smile ahead of Christmas

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+1,132, -113] She's seriously giving me goosebumps, can she stop trying to come back right now?

2. [+1,070, -77] So this is why her name is Taeyeon... she's looking quite taeyeon (nonchalant) in the pictures

3. [+996, -85] Taeyeon-ah, I personally wish you'd just take some time off to reflect right now

4. [+97, -8] She seems a bit sociopathic

5. [+80, -5] Has she thought this through at all? Must be nice living life without using your brain

6. [+75, -9] Shameless... would it kill her to stay quiet for a bit!!

7. [+72, -4] What an attention wh*re

8. [+62, -7] She is really giving me goosebumps... I get that she has to make money and everything but it wouldn't kill her to take a few months to reflect

9. [+53, -5] She's so fake

10. [+39, -6] Even if her car accident had no legal implications, she still caused it and there were still victims involved, shouldn't she reflect for that?

11. [+36, -6] How can she look so calm after ramming someone's car like that...

12. [+32, -7] This is past the point of shameless...

13. [+30, -4] Her face gives me goosebumps now

14. [+29, -8] Paris Baguette shouldn't have gone with her as the model but they sell well as a brand on their own so this probably won't impact their sales

15. [+24, -5] She scares me now
