Jessica shimmers under a Christmas tree

Article: Jessica shows off top beauty 'Christmas goddess'

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+155, -15] Wow, I want to make this my background picture without Jessica in it

2. [+79, -7] I'd make this my cellphone background picture too if Jessica wasn't in it

3. [+70, -6] Eh, she's not "top beauty"..

4. [+55, -11] Even if she left SM, it has barely been a few days since a close dongsaeng of hers ended his life... Feels a bit wrong to be uploading on SNS with a bright smile like that.

5. [+74, -38] Isn't she from SM? Well maybe they weren't close but they still worked in the same industry... but I guess promoting herself is more important than the passing of a former labelmate ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

6. [+27, -4] This feels a bit wrong considering her own dongsaeng is a sobbing mess right now...

7. [+11, -0] Did she even go to Jonghyun's funeral...????

8. [+9, -1] She stretched this picture out so much

9. [+8, -0] What happened this week really makes you realize what type of people those like Yang Hyun Suk or Jessica are. If someone has nothing to do with their success or future, it's scary how they drop any interest in you. It's during hardships like these that a person's true colors show.

10. [+7, -0] She's so cold ㅋㅋ even Luhan and Tao were sad on SNS... how can she be so different when she has known Jonghyun for just as long ㅋㅋㅋ
