Hollywood: Mariah Carey

Article: Mariah Carey succeeds in dieting and regains her looks

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+353, -5] Wow, no way~~ she weighed over 100 kg just a while ago

2. [+243, -7] I remember reading an article just a while ago about how she weighed over 100 kg... ㅎ I guess there's nothing impossible in the world if you have time and money...

3. [+182, -2] She seriously diets as if her weight is nothing but a rubber band

4. [+13, -1] I read in another article that she had a gastric sleeve surgery...

5. [+12, -0] I wonder if she got liposuction or worked out... her body really is like a rubber band, I'm so jealous

6. [+7, -0] She probably dieted but she also got surgery too

7. [+5, -1] Wow~ now that was unexpected

8. [+4, -0] What can money not solve

9. [+3, -0] She's back in the top 10 on iTunes, she's here to collect her Christmas royalties

10. [+2, -0] She'd still be considered fat in Korea
