Ahreum reveals on 'The Unit' that she gained up to 73 kg during her hiatus

Article: 'The Unit' former T-ara member Han Ahreum, "I gained up to 73 kg on my break"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+332, -26] Women eat a lot more than men tend to think...

2. [+216, -44] Women eat a ton when they go home, almost to the point of binge eating. They don't eat much out in public because they're conscious of what others think of them.

3. [+216, -20] Ahreum seems like she has a complex personality and isn't mentally strong enough for the broadcast world

4. [+36, -1] It's not that women don't eat in public because they're pretending, it's just that I don't have much of an appetite when I'm eating with other people. When I'm home and by myself, it feels more comfortable and I crave a lot more foods.

5. [+20, -3] I just finished off two ramens and beer and soju as a midnight snack and totally felt like the best reply was a jab at me... I'm sure other men don't know that I eat like this. Thankfully I have a fast metabolism to back it up...

6. [+15, -1] I eat a ton of pastries on my own but don't eat much around other people... that's why my mom's always like "you weigh more than what I think you'd weigh for how little you eat"

7. [+7, -0] All the desire to eat that women hold out in public turns into binge eating once they get home... which can later develop into bulimia if it gets worse

8. [+3, -1] ㅋㅋ The best replies make it sound like women go crazy with food at home but it's more like... they eat with more comfort at home than they would in public...? ㅋㅋㅋ
