A look at some of GD's many shopping looks

Article: "A true fashionista" G-Dragon shows off unique aura while shopping

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+441, -31] Looks weird, honestly... There are so many celebrities who dress poorly but people will still hype them up no matter what weird get up they come up with just for being celebrities. Get that army uniform on, GD~~~

2. [+351, -24] I want to see him in a good old army uniform

3. [+231, -20] He looks like an ajumma...

4. [+19, -1] Honestly looks like a homeless man.. People only let it pass because he's a celebrity. If anyone else dressed like this, everyone would call him an idiot.

5. [+16, -1] I'd honestly never wear 90% of the stuff GD wears

6. [+16, -1] Am I the only one who thinks he looks weird..

7. [+12, -1] Looks like a little kid playing dress up;;;;

8. [+11, -1] Jealous of his money but not his fashion sense

9. [+10, -1] My grandma has that same purple hat

10. [+9, -3] He's too skinny to be able to pull any of this off. It's because of all the people who overhype him that he thinks he's a fashionista.
