Zion T preps for a comeback

Article: [Exclusive] Zion T comeback countdown... one more chart domination

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+791, -107] Zion T seemed to produce better and more unique songs when he was under Amoeba. Ever since he joined YG, his style has gotten so typical and he lost his color.

2. [+441, -38] I liked him up till 'Eat' because he was unique and fresh but after a while, all of his songs became the typical love songs with the usual pattern... I'd be hard pressed to call his last album successful.

3. [+347, -23] It's because the media is always obsessed with 'chart dominations' that kids are up till the early morning streaming songs ㅋㅋ

4. [+490, -86] It's not that Zion T is sucking ever since joining YG, he's just showing the true limits to his talent

5. [+346, -68] His songs were better when he was still under Amoeba

6. [+53, -3] I want the Crush and Zion T combo back, it was so good

7. [+16, -1] I still prefer Zion T to idol music, cut the fake stuff

8. [+11, -0] Zion T's personal style has changed... because his new album was produced with the same people that he was with under Amoeba... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
