Sunny reveals her 2.6 billion won apartment

Article: SNSD's Sunny purchased a 2.6 billion won apartment

Source: Sports Seoul via Nate

1. [+360, -30] She worked with SNSD for nearly 10 years, imagine how much she saved in that time. She even said on a variety show a long time ago that she's not an excessive spender and has saved enough to live off of, which she clearly wasn't lying about.

2. [+246, -37] Sunny's the type of person who's really good with taking care of her finances and her life. A lot of celebrities live in that apartment complex but she bought the biggest unit with the best views.

3. [+219, -48] Her future husband is a lucky one. I'm quite jealous actually, your life will be set if you ever end up marrying her.

4. [+27, -7] I saw the episode and the apartment itself is great but the view is just amazing. Sunny has always had the financially responsible image in SNSD and she really seems to have saved up. But then again, she dormed for the last 10 years of her life so imagine how much she got to save.

5. [+22, -1] If Sunny's saved this much, imagine how much Yoona and Taeyeon have saved...

6. [+21, -7] Sunkyu really succeeded in life, so jealous

7. [+20, -4] This is why it's always great to have connections like her uncle

8. [+19, -5] Wow, never thought Sunkyu particularly promoted actively or anything but it's no joke what she's saved up. Yoona, Taeyeon, and Suzy have probably saved even more~~~

9. [+12, -1] She honestly made way more money than her talent is worth...

10. [+9, -5] She's always been the smart one in Soshi. She's knowledgeable about her finances, has a lot of aegyo, is good to adults... she's glamorous too.
