EXID makes their comeback with 'DDD' on 'M! Countdown'

Article: 'M! Countdown' EXID's sexy seduction... 'DDD' in black skinnies

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+404, -38] All of the rapper's raps sound the same in every song ㅜㅜ I get that it's her style but it's too similar ㅜㅜ

2. [+353, -15] Shows the limits of Shinsadong Tiger. He can never come up with anything new, always sticks to the same concept.

3. [+240, -15] Ah... Solji's absence is sorely felt.

4. [+31, -3] So sick of hearing that nasally rapping ㅡㅡ

5. [+27, -6] Their concepts are always the same

6. [+24, -3] The song's a bit...

7. [+21, -0] Seems like their "thing" is to give each member a different color every comeback but it's not working ㅜㅜ the members are all tall with great bodies, you could just put them in something simple like a black suit and have them explode with girl crush vibes ㅠㅠ not sure why they always go experimental with colors. Simple outfits will make their bodies stand out more ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ hing

8. [+18, -5] They've been going downhill since 'Up & Down'..

9. [+17, -3] Seriously, their concepts are always the same. Their songs sound like one recycled version after the other.

10. [+13, -1] They really need Solji

11. [+12, -3] Their style is so tacky ㅎㅎ

12. [+11, -0] Is their coordi working for free? Why is their style so tacky
