[Instiz] Modernized hanbok with a tennis skirt

Instiz: Modernized hanbok with a tennis skirt

"It's pretty!!!"

"Ah... I personally don't think it looks good..."

"I like the attempt but the design itself sucks..."

"The top looks like a hanbok but the skirt looks like she's wearing a curtain. Probably the worst modernized version I've seen yet..."

"I'm all for modernized versions but this doesn't feel much like a hanbok"

"I think the skirt would look good on its own or matched with something else..."

"Eh... not feeling it"

"The top and skirt don't match at all"

"Too short, doesn't look good..."

"Makes me think of a kimchi cocktail... just a combination that isn't supposed to work."

"They're pretty separately but I feel like the top would make you stand out way too much in public"

"Nothing's hanbok about the skirt other than the material.."

"I don't know why all modernized versions of the hanbok shorten the skirt ㅜ just makes it look cheap rather than experimental. You never see the Japanese shortening their kimonos in any version of it ㅠㅠ"

"Really lowers the class of the hanbok ㅠㅠ"

"Seems like something a game character would wear"
