Goo Hara's Japanese CF criticized for promoting 'lookism'

Article: Why Goo Hara's Japanese CF is getting hate

Source: Segye Ilbo via Nate

The CF shows a woman in a red dress dropping an apple from her grocery bag and a handsome man picking it up and mistaking it for Goo Hara's and using it as an 'opportunity' to hit on her, which she responds with a smile. The same scene is replayed with a less attractive man to which Goo Hara responds by ignoring him and rushing off.


1. [+1,775, -62] This is more of a problem with the CF company and the people who planned it... what power does the model have? I don't think this is anything for her to get hate over

2. [+612, -157] The woman in the red dress is way prettier than her though

3. [+466, -188] Goovatar fat nose ㅋ

4. [+23, -12] You have to admit the CF isn't wrong, it's reality... you can't really change anything about it, it's just fact;;

5. [+23, -15] The CF company should get hate, not Goo Hara. She's just getting paid to shoot whatever they tell her to ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+22, -19] The woman behind her is prettier

7. [+20, -13] From a logical standpoint, Goo Hara shouldn't be getting hated at all

8. [+17, -13] It's wrong to blame Goo Hara over the CF company

9. [+16, -11] But the woman with the groceries is pretty too ㅋㅋ

10. [+11, -8] A Japanese morning news show dissected this CF... and they concluded that the CF company purposely shot it like this to stir controversy and get attention.

11. [+9, -0] Even amongst animals, the more beautiful or handsome animal gets the most partners... the weak and ugly become loners. Humans are probably worse when it comes to being looks based.

12. [+8, -2] This is just reality, you can't fight it. The ones that have a problem with it are the ugly ones ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

13. [+8, -3] What does denying it change? This is reality ㅋㅋ
