Chinese survey votes Kim Tae Hee as Korea's most beautiful

Article: Korea's most beautiful celebrity isn't Song Hye Gyo but Kim Tae Hee

Source: Asia Today via Nate

According to Chinese survey:
#1 Kim Tae Hee
#2 Song Hye Gyo
#3 Shin Min Ah
#4 Suzy
#5 Hyeri
#6 Seolhyun


1. [+383, -22] Why would you ask the Chinese instead of us tsk tsk tsk

2. [+334, -83] Shin Min Ah doesn't have the visuals to belong there...

3. [+291, -20] Well everyone has different tastes so

4. [+33, -1] I don't know if I'd call Hyeri a beauty...

5. [+31, -4] Nowadays I think Kim Hee Sun trumps all

6. [+25, -7] You can see a face like Hyeri's anywhere on the streets, no?

7. [+24, -0] Hyeri?

8. [+24, -7] Early 90s to 2000s was Kim Hee Sun, from mid 2000s to now was Kim Tae Hee... I wonder who's next... I've yet to see a celebrity who can follow up to that though...

9. [+21, -1] Hyeri, what a joke ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+20, -4] Han Ga In

11. [+18, -0] It basically boils down to fame because there are a ton of idols who are prettier than Hyeri and Seolhyun but just aren't more known ㅋㅋ

12. [+13, -1] Hyeri though??
