Nicole updates her Instagram with a fresh face

Article: "Bare faced" KARA Nicole's lips call for a kiss

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+304, -8] Wouldn't have recognized her without the title...

2. [+130, -19] I'll be honest, she's not pretty

3. [+128, -9] Hul her face changes every time I see an article about her...

4. [+18, -3] She got double eyelid surgery

5. [+15, -3] I remember she was one of those kids like Jun Jiyoon who's not particularly talented in anything and not visually stunning either

6. [+9, -1] Nicole? Bare faced? Nope to both

7. [+9, -3] She looks prettier than before though.. ㅋ

8. [+6, -0] Her face has changed a ton though

9. [+5, -1] So why did she disband KARA again? So she can inherit her mom's restaurants?

10. [+5, -0] She got her double eyelids done~

11. [+5, -1] I don't think even the KARA members could recognize her

12. [+4, -0] Eyes???
