Lee Hi shares her new passport photos

Article: Lee Hi reveals her airport picture "I'll have to make sure to wear make up next time..."

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+871, -32] She looks like a simple but pretty and hard working woman you would find in the countryside of China somewhere

2. [+503, -22] Isn't it phooshopped?

3. [+490, -72] I remember meeting a 'K-Pop Star' staff and I asked how Lee Hi was and they were disgusted while talking about how bad her celebrity disease is

4. [+49, -1] Be humble, Hi-ya, don't get cocky

5. [+39, -0] She's obviously posting it because she thinks she looks good... like "look how pretty I am even without make up"... well, let's just say it looks better than how she really does...

6. [+39, -0] You gotta cut down on the photoshop if you don't want to waste too much time renewing your passport

7. [+39, -0] I saw her a few days ago and let me tell you, her face is a lot bigger and thicker than her pictures show

8. [+35, -0] Women never share pictures that they don't think they look good in in the first place ㅋ

9. [+26, -7] She's your typical physique with a big head and crappy proportions

10. [+23, -1] She photoshopped the crap out of this ㅋㅋ looks like a different person

11. [+20, -0] Obviously she wrote about that part about needing to wear make up next time so people will leave comments like "your bare face is so pretty" ㅋㅋ
