Kai talks about being mistaken for a girl in school

Article: EXO Kai, "I was mistaken as a girl in school, even in the bathroom..."

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+381, -36] Okay he doesn't look that much like a girl...

2. [+272, -30] He did look like a girl but not enough to make mistakes over

3. [+201, -22] What a liar

4. [+24, -0] Something about his eyes make him look so greasy to me

5. [+16, -1] His attitude gave off a very cocky impression to me ㅎㅎ even when Taemin, who's his senior, finished his dance, he bowed before going back to his seat... meanwhile Kai just up and turned around. Seems to think he's more important than he is..

6. [+16, -6] Why do I get such a cocky impression from him? He's already acting like this?

7. [+16, -2] His double eyelid surgery is so obvious looking

8. [+15, -2] Well they said he looked like a girl, not necessarily a pretty one ㅋㅋ

9. [+14, -2] He did look like a girl but like an ajumma

10. [+12, -1] The swelling from his double eyelid surgery is mostly gone now
