Female singer sentenced to jail for growing and smoking marijuana
Article: Female singer in her twenties sentenced to jail for growing and smoking weed in her home
Source: Yonhap News via Naver
1. [+384, -40] Male celebrities get their identities revealed even when the court hasn't made a judgment yet while female celebrities are still just called 'A' when the court has not only reached a judgment but even sentenced her to jail.
2. [+365, -57] Trash journalists calling her 'A' because she's a woman ㅋㅋㅋㅋ while Jung Jun Young had his name plastered all over the media ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+185, -27] Can someone explain why female celebrities never get their names written out?
4. [+196, -34] If she was investigated for this case, her name and picture should be out already but of course her name isn't written out because this is Korea
5. [+202, -37] Male celebrities get their identities revealed even when a lawsuit is just filed... while female celebrities can commit all sorts of prostitution crimes and even get a jail sentence for drugs and still remain anonymous.
6. [+164, -33] She's a public figure and a celebrity and was caught not only growing weed but smoking it in her home and sentenced to jail and she's still anonymous?? While Jung Jun Young, Lee Jin Wook, Um Tae Woong, and Park Yoochun have had their names out from the minute lawsuits were filed.. How is that fair at all?
7. [+112, -20] So who is she? If journalists won't release her name, we should find who she is. Isn't this considered gender discrimination?
8. [+134, -32] This article alone shows the state of men's rights in Korea..