produce 101
TV: [Spoilers!!!] Produce 101
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JellyFish Kim Sejung |
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Fantagio Choi Yoojung |
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JellyFish Kang Mina |
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JYP Jun Somi |
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JellyFish Kim Nayoung |
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Pledis Joo Kyul Kyung |
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Fantagio Kim Doyeon |
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Article: 'Produce 101' Kim Sejung keeps her spot at #1... #2 is Choi Yoojung
Source: X Sports News via Nate
1. [+519, -68] The JellyFish buff is real.... that Kim Nayoung person or whatever.. how'd she place 5th when she's less popular than the ones who were eliminated today ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and after all that criticism Kang Mina and Yoon Yeonjung got last week, they're still at the top rankings..
2. [+465, -14] Either way only the top 11 matter but Mnet is really turning this into a fight, aren't they ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Chungha, come up to the top 11 and become leader!!
3. [+478, -50] Kang Mina in 3rd, Kim Nayoung in 5th ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Meanwhile Somi in 4th ㅋㅋㅋ is this a joke ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Source: Naver
1. [+7,091, -559] SO glad they're changing it to one trainee per vote next week so that bubbles will finally be popped. Can't believe Kang Mina's in 2nd.
2. [+5,651, -473] Why is Somi in 4th ㅋㅋㅋ sigh
3. [+5,564, -544] Kang Mina needs to get off the JellyFish buff bus
4. [+4,219, -324] Why is Kim Nayoung in 5th..
5. [+2,179, -147] Why are Kang Mina and Kim Nayoung up there
6. [+2,146, -144] Can someone explain why Kang Mina >>>> Jun Somi?
7. [+2,047, -128] What is Kim Nayoung doing in 5th...?
8. [+2,478, -290] Kim Sejung damn well knows that she's #1 but look at her acting all surprised when they called her name during the 3rd place part ㅋㅋㅋ
Article: Kim Sejung confirmed #1 again... no change
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+223, -47] The way she looked surprised when they joked that she was in 3rd made me uncomfortable
2. [+176, -20] Yet again, another episode of JellyFish bias~
3. [+146, -5] The fact that the three JellyFish members have similar votes means that the same fans voted for each other. Now that they can only vote for one of them, I think it'll distribute more evenly and the real rankings will show next week. Jun Somi or Kim Sohye won't change in rank because they don't have labelmates up there with them but Choi Yoojung's going to get a huge gap with her other labelmates and probably drop a little bit
4. [+50, -14] She acts like it's so definite that she's winning #1, she should be grateful to the PD
5. [+40, -11] She looks more like an ajumma the more I see her...
6. [+39, -6] Sejung-ah, learn to be humble
7. [+18, -1] I don't think the JellyFish fans are going to spread their votes out now that it's 1 trainee per vote. They're all going to go for Sejung...
8. [+16, -5] Her true colors showed today, not an ounce of humbleness to her
9. [+16, -5] I hated how she acted during the rank reveal... she needs to learn to be humble
Article: Jun Somi in 4th, "I'm grateful to JYP"
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+702, -54] How does Kang Mina have more votes than Jun Somi???? Kim Nayoung doesn't deserve 5th either. The JellyFish support is unreal. Kim Sohye in 8th???? How are the votes even happening like this? I guess now that votes are one trainee per vote, we'll see what the real results are next week
2. [+650, -50] Somi's so nice the more you see her...
3. [+586, -95] Why is Kim Sejung acting all surprised when she was jokingly called for 3rd? It's like she knows she's #1 already anyway
4. [+94, -7] Somi-ya, I'll be supporting you
5. [+92, -19] Yoo Yeonjung makes me so uncomfortable
6. [+90, -10] This is a JellyFish feast, how is Jun Somi in 4th?
7. [+85, -7] JellyFish 101, the Kim Sohye documentary... so proud of Jun Somi for getting in the ranks between them!!
8. [+72, -1] At first there were so many Somi supporters that I didn't really care for her but now I know why she has so many fans. Bright personality and humble to boot! Fighting!!
Article: Kim Sohye clarifies, "I'm not Mnet's daughter"
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+458, -67] Why is she in the top 11... Kim Chungha's talented but she's only in 13th..
2. [+414, -110] Voluntarily leave the show
3. [+344, -43] There's a difference between greed and hope. Because of you, there are victims in the process. You want to become a singer now that you're in the rankings but your original dream is to become an actor? Even she doesn't know why she's on this show ㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+59, -9] She's not pretty, she's not talented, her agency isn't powerful, what is she getting popular for??? ㅋㅋㅋ Just for all the screentime she gets?
5. [+56, -4] Everyone, please vote for Chungha ㅠㅠ
6. [+46, -8] Sigh... and yet again today, you had the most screentime
7. [+38, -7] I wonder who's even voting for her
8. [+32, -8] Put your hand over your heart and tell me if you genuinely think you deserve to be in the top 11... no shame at all
Article: Kahi says to Kim Sohye for placing 2nd in dance, "You got that off of your popularity and not your skills"
Source: Mydaily via Naver
1. [+9,229, -207] Refreshing of Kahi to say that ㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+6,718, -166] Kahi's right ㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+5,907, -144] So direct ㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+5,582, -131] ㅋㅋㅋ Yup, can't deny that
5. [+4,915, -123] It is true though...
Article: Ariyoshi Risa tears up at the prospect of getting eliminated
Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver
1. [+873, -19] She has no talents though
2. [+577, -9] This episode felt like they were giving screentime to the kids who were set for elimination...
3. [+531, -38] Now that there's such a huge difference in votes and the top 11 are pretty much confirmed, they're starting to give screentime to the other trainees instead of just the JellyFish kids