Sulli spooks in her latest Instagram update

Article: Sulli's mysterious Mona Lisa-like smile

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+976, -85] I never really left a comment saying anything but did internally agree with the comments criticizing her. But nowadays, I'm actually worried for her when I see her recent pictures. She looks so unstable mentally.

2. [+670, -84] What is she doing ㅎㅎㅎ

3. [+436, -30] She looks like a ghost;;;;

4. [+85, -3] Remember T-ara's Ahreum? After she left the group, she started uploading eerie pictures on Instagram. Sulli's getting weirder too ㅡㅡ

5. [+81, -1] Looking at her pictures lately makes me question if she's half crazy...

6. [+75, -2] Her picture startled me. Looks like a smile from a ghost..

7. [+67, -1] Her smile isn't mysterious.. it's scary, actually ㅠㅠ All of her pictures lately have been..;;

8. [+51, -1] I'm sorry but she really looks crazy in this picture

9. [+49, -1] She's getting weird... T-ara's Ahreum went crazy after she left too..

10. [+45, -3] Honestly, isn't this picture scary?

11. [+44, -1] I'm going to get ghost dreams now.. f*ck..
