Rainbow doesn't know when their next comeback will be

Article: Rainbow, "New album comeback? We don't know either"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+2,596, -27] Apparently the members thought 'Black Swan' was weird and wanted to promote another song but DSP persistently stuck with 'Black Swan' and look what happened... promos were wrapped up after two weeks...

2. [+2,146, -13] So was 'A' really the peak of their career?

3. [+1,605, -17] At this rate, they're going to have be out selling churros to make enough money to produce their next album...

4. [+1,265, -19] Their 'Black Swan' promos ended two weeks after their comeback because it was doing so poorly on the digital charts

5. [+1,083, -13] I don't think they have many recorded songs, I doubt they'll be having a comeback this year

6. [+275, -5] While other girl groups are so busy they barely get 1-2 hours of sleep at a time... Rainbow are all power bloggers and experts at different craft...

7. [+217, -3] Their comeback would've been fine if they chose 'Bad Guy' or 'Cry' as their title track instead of 'Black Swan'. The dances were so much better. Apparently even the members were against 'Black Swan'... sigh. They'll never get anywhere with their agency being so blind.

8. [+189, -7] Stop pushing April and give Rainbow some push ㅠ
