Kim Yoo Jung needs a new coordi?

Article: 'A hoodie and silk skirt?' Kim Yoo Jung's beauty saved this awkward fashion look

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,161, -21] Her coordi's her anti if you've noticed her outfits lately. Her coordi should be helping her dress her age but look at that hair style, she just ages her... Kim Yoo Jung dresses herself better than her coordi does. She looks great with her hair up too.

2. [+877, -11] She needs a new stylist... really doesn't do her job...

3. [+608, -6] Maybe the coordi doesn't think she has to do her job because she's so pretty

4. [+24, -3] Her beauty really did save this outfit

5. [+22, -0] This one's really bad... I remember she wore a long skirt at an awards ceremony that accentuated her thin waist and thought her coordi was starting to do her job..

6. [+18, -4] Getting prettier by the day

7. [+17, -1] She has the best waist but this outfit does nothing for it

8. [+17, -1] She always hasd a weird hair style that makes her face look big and ajumma-ish... can't they give her something better fit for her age?

9. [+17, -0] Why would they dress such a pretty kid like this...? Let her dress her age ㅠㅠ

10. [+17, -0] Coordi should voluntarily refund her pay, that's a mess
