han ye seul
Han Ye Seul gives Teddy a kiss on the cheek at his birthday party
Article: 'Teddy kiss' Han Ye Seul gives a sweet kiss at boyfriend's birthday party
Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
1. [+275, -31] Han Ye Seul may have a pretty face but I bet she's outgoing and has tons of aegyo
2. [+252, -31] I bet Han Ye Seul can ask Teddy to buy her anything and he'll buy whatever she wants
3. [+178, -13] Teddy's been wearing that fashion look for years already ㅡ.ㅡ He must like having a hoodie over his head
4. [+30, -10] Didn't she have tax issues?
5. [+24, -13] For them to be dating for that long at their age without talks of marriage must mean he just sees her as dating material
6. [+23, -1] An American and an American runaway
7. [+19, -2] That Teddy guy is always covering his neck and face with a turban looking thing. Is it because he's trying to hide his huge mole on his neck?
8. [+15, -2] Looks like Han Ye Seul's more in love with him... but aren't they both American??? Why make all that money in Korea and evade taxes too... I really liked Han Ye Seul too but it's hard for me to like her after her tax evasion issues.
9. [+13, -0] Why is he dressed like that?