Choa reveals CEO Han Sung Ho is upset over his hateful comments

Article: 'Same Bed Different Dreams' Choa, "Han Sung Ho CEO... upset with the hateful comments"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+451, -20] FNC's growing big...

2. [+448, -27] Hongki-ya, beat him up

3. [+420, -29] Look at him acting all weak after doing media play of Kwang Soo level and getting all that hate

4. [+39, -5] He thinks he's getting hate because of this show ㅗㅗㅗㅗ People have hated him before that but even moreso now that he has Yoo Jae Suk and he's going around acting like he's Yoo Jae Suk level ㅗㅗㅗ

5. [+35, -3] I feel like the agency is going to tarnish Yoo Jae Suk's image

6. [+34, -1] I seriously don't understand why Yoo Jae Suk joined an agency so hated

7. [+32, -7] I remember when Han Sung Ho would give interviews, he'd act like he was Yoo Jae Suk and act like he's such a good person for starting his company not for profit but for his own passions. Hilarious coming from a CEO who wouldn't even let AOA join their company dinners when they were rookies. I'm sure it motivated them to do better but it makes him sound like a hypocrite.

8. [+30, -0] Isn't he the CEO who said he wouldn't pay his artists unless they broke even??? I bet if this company was investigated, we'd get tons of dirty things on Kim Kwang Soo level... there's a reason Lee Hongki rags on him all the time on TV ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+29, -4] Han Sung Ho CEO, the reason you're getting hate is not because of this show. Think about what you've said and done. You media play using the names of other celebrities. Just stay quiet.

10. [+28, -2] It's so hard to like this company