Women's community cafe apologizes for spreading rumors about Suho's father

Article: [Exclusive] EXO Suho's father is not a member of the pro-Japanese... women's cafe members post apology

Source: Nate

1. [+591, -30] Knowing how sensitive Koreans are to issues about the pro-Japanese... how dare they spread rumors about his own father being pro-Japanese? That's intentionally trying to screw over his career.

2. [+484, -34] Why do people even join this cafe? You have to reveal your identity to join too... so why?

3. [+453, -34] Why are all of the problems this year coming from that women's cafe ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+61, -11] That cafe is honestly worse than ilbe, they're always starting witch hunts

5. [+49, -0] I'm a woman and only found out about this 'women's generation' cafe recently too. I'd always read comments about people putting them down and thought it was misogyny but it actually meant this cafe...

6. [+39, -2] This cafe needs to be gotten rid of. Can't believe thousands of brainless women are even members of that.

7. [+33, -3] Why do people even spread these rumors?

8. [+26, -4] Both ilbe and women's generation are horrible sites. They spread rumors without checking the facts.

9. [+22, -0] Enough with the apologies, start taking responsibility for your actions
