Live broadcast shooting in Virgina leaves two journalists dead

Article: Shocking shooting of two American journalists during live broadcast

Source: No Cut News via Nate

1. [+299, -8] Another reminder that we need to maintain our country's gun control laws

2. [+251, -11] I saw the video and I'm in shock... the gunman shot from behind and the cameraman fell first then you hear the journalist screaming and it seems like she got shot while running away... I don't think Americans will ever pass gun control laws because of their ARA and conservative population.

3. [+65, -1] I really wish America will realize how severe their gun issues are. Money is not everything but I bet the conservatives and corporates will fight to keep their guns even when their own families are shot and killed by it.

4. [+16, -4] Not for the weak of heart!

5. [+12, -1] It honestly doesn't even make sense to me that anyone can just carry guns around

6. [+11, -5] Upsetting... may they rest in peace.

7. [+8, -2] America's conservative population will never let go of their control over guns ㅋㅋ

8. [+7, -3] So many people with issues controlling their anger..


Article: Two journalists' shocking deaths on live broadcast, killed in front of lover

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+221, -10] What in the world... so their lovers were on the scene and had to watch them die..? The shock must be unexplainable..

2. [+191, -5] Hul... it must've been horrifying to the people who watched it live.. how traumatizing ㅠ

3. [+152, -6] The world is large and psychos are aplenty... Upsetting.

4. [+14, -3] The minute you allow anyone to buy guns, I don't care how advanced of a country you are, I won't consider your country safe

5. [+7, -1] You can see the journalist running for her life and screaming and he keeps shooting her.... he's a psycho. And there's also a tweet where he uploaded a video of the shooting from his point of view.. ugh, so crazy... and he was calm from the looks of it too, what a psychopath... There are often times where I wasn't able to understand why American policemen would always be quick to pull out their guns but now that I know that just anyone, even psychos, can own guns, I understand the policemen a lot more...


Source: Naver

1. [+11,602, -148] This is insane

2. [+9,535, -157] Wow... what is this... he has to be crazy.. poor journalists..

3. [+9,690, -878] So fortunate to be living in Korea when I see things like this

4. [+7,323, -162] What in the world, on live broadcast no less... horrifying, really

5. [+795, -20] If even America's like this, we can never legalize guns in Korea

6. [+755, -7] America's biggest flaw...

7. [+750, -32] I find Americans weird for not being more against gun ownership.

8. [+659, -15] We must never allow Koreans to own guns
