Kahi shows off her amazing bikini backside

Article: Kahi's bikini backside, a voluptuous body that doesn't allow a sliver of fat

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+250, -26] She's probably one of the rare celebrities who still takes care of herself as she ages, good

2. [+227, -27] Wow.......... impossible

3. [+184, -39] Kahi certainly has a healthy glow to her but I never found her to be particularly sexy...

4. [+24, -16] Put Hyuna in a bikini and people call her cheap and slutty but put someone older like Kahi in a bikini and people praise her for taking care of herself. I hate how women are so hypocritical.

5. [+16, -5] Who's your mother??

6. [+11, -5] Something about her image just looks so cheap...

7. [+11, -4] Sitting down makes your hips look wider. She barely has any hip volume when she's standing.

8. [+11, -6] Her butt's huge
