Juniel unveils comeback image teaser

Article: Juniel releases brave skin exposing teaser, clear backside 'mysterious look'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+369, -18] She resorts to this too

2. [+307, -19] And why is she taking her clothes off? Is she trying to exude innocence of a baby or something?

3. [+229, -15] Showing skin is supposed to be a last resort thing and I'm not even sure it's going to work for her...

4. [+24, -4] She has no facial expressions, she's like a robot

5. [+24, -5] FNC, aren't you guys rich? Go get her some hair treatments..

6. [+15, -8] Tried to copy IU and it didn't work so is she switching to Hyuna now ㅋㅋ As expected of FNC

7. [+15, -2] She resorts to showing skin too

8. [+14, -3] Sorry, Hyuna already did this concept

9. [+12, -5] I remember she tried to take IU's spot when IU got into her scandal with Eunhyuk but IU is not the type of singer to just break down over a scandal like that..

10. [+11, -0] She looks like a kid...
