Jonghyun and Gong Seung Yeon end their 'WGM' marriage after 5 months

Article: [Exclusive] Lee Jong Hyun and Gong Seung Yeon leave 'WGM' after 5 months

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+506, -89] Are they dating for real...?

2. [+364, -21] I guess they'll find a new couple now, should just take the show off air

3. [+347, -20] We Got Married, more like We Acted According to Script

4. [+60, -1] I heard it was because they started developing feelings for each other so both agencies put a brake to it

5. [+58, -3] I guess the rumors were true... that they ended up really dating so they're being taken off WGM

6. [+46, -3] The girl must have some huge sponsor to be able to pay off such a quick leave like this. Especially since she's a rookie actress.

7. [+44, -1] I think their agencies are the ones that decided to take them off the show. Any more and all their fans will leave them.

8. [+41, -2] Sounds like both agencies are taking them off because they've been so emotional with each other and they're scared that their image will be too cemented in this

9. [+40, -9] I actually thought Jonghyun was getting tired of her...

10. [+39, -13] Why would they leave the show just for dating irl? ㅋㅋㅋ Gong Seung Yeon got her name out there thanks to this show after being a nobody and Lee Jong Hyun has a comeback coming up so he has to leave for his schedule.

11. [+31, -3] There are rumors about them dating, especially since it's not the normal time that WGM revamps their cast. The producers probably caught wind of them dating and confirmed it so they took them off.
