Hyuna releases teaser MV for solo comeback

Article: 'Red Hyuna is coming'... August comeback confirmed with release of sexy trailer

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+2,729, -808] Hyuna's really the only sexy 20-something year old solo singer to take Lee Hyori's place... Sexy's just not a concept everyone can pull off

2. [+2,216, -359] Looks like Hyuna can't do anything other than concepts like this. It matches her well but she sticks to this only.. when she looks good with looks that have less make up too. I wonder if she's practiced her singing at all.

3. [+1,903, -194] I just hope the concept wasn't as cheap as it was last time

4. [+1,344, -199] Why another concept like this ㅜㅜ

5. [+240, -28] Her make up makes her look like a druggie;;

6. [+213, -10] Whatever she puts out has to be better than 'Choco Chip Cookie' ㅋㅋ utter failure of a song ㅡㅡ

7. [+199, -46] I'm a man myself but I have to question why she only does concepts like this.

8. [+137, -15] I wonder what Hyuna would've done with her life if not for singing?
