YG adds Psy's comeback to fall line-up with Big Bang and iKON

Article: [Exclusive] Psy to make September comeback, YG lines up Big Bang, Psy, and iKON for their fall releases

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+3,542, -97] Wait, three teams in one month? ㅋㅋ You do realize that promises are made to be kept? ㅋㅋ and this is also Big Bang's first album in 7 years

2. [+2,965, -116] I wonder if iKON will actually debut

3. [+1,912, -102] Good luck to both Big Bang and Psy

4. [+1,796, -80] If he goes back to his roots like Gangnam Style, he might have4 another hit!

5. [+1,594, -83] Psy's the first true world star out of Korea! Fighting!!

6. [+277, -17] YG's team kill is off the charts. This is Big Bang's official album and iKON's debut, did they have to overlap Psy's comeback too?

7. [+272, -46] What about Winner!!!!!!! and iKON's a rookie debut, the timing is so wrong... it's so hard being a YG fan

8. [+232, -9] I don't think there's one YG fan out there who doesn't have problems with YG right now... Big Bang fans are mad because this is their first official album in a long time, iKON fans are mad because their debut has been postponed since January, AkMu and Winner fans are mad over the long hiatus... YG sucks at planning.
