SECRET reps deny Jieun getting any work done

Article: SECRET Song Jieun reps, "Her changed face is not because of plastic surgery, she swells easily"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+1,147, -56] Today is my first time seeing her look swollen since her debut, how can they lie like that?

2. [+885, -36] This is why people who get plastic surgery get so much hate. Just admit it if you've gotten work done but instead they're denying it...

3. [+798, -32] Just admit that you got work done if you did, plastic surgery isn't even a big deal anymore. Everyone and their mothers are getting it done, what impact would it have on your image when we all know you can more than afford it. Just how much ramen and soju did you eat the night before to swell to this point?

4. [+45, -2] At this point, it's better to just stay quiet...

5. [+39, -0] Oh, I didn't know that your face swelling up can make your nose thinner and the front slits of your eyes open up wider~

6. [+37, -1] Is their company stupid? Lying about something so obvious

7. [+33, -1] So how did her eyes not swell up but only her cheeks then~

8. [+22, -0] This is the same agency that denied the huge amount of work Sunhwa got done. They just lie no matter the situation. It'd be better if they didn't release official statements at all. Saw her on Music Bank and her face was completely swollen up.

9. [+21, -0] Even non-celebrities get plastic surgery nowadays, it makes me speechless that agencies still think they can get away with denying it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's so obvious

10. [+20, -0] I used to think she was the cleanest member of SECRET too...
