Kangnam expresses anxiety over his dwindling variety fame

Article: 'I Live Alone' Kangnam, "3 out of the 5 shows I'm on have been taken off air" anxiety

: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+9,914, -313] Sad that he doesn't even get comments anymore. He seems like a nice person so I hope he does even better.

2. [+9,583, -184] The sad part about variety is that your fame in it is short lived

3. [+7,697, -192] He seems like such a nice and hard working person still ㅠ find strength!

4. [+6,757, -171] Find strength, Kangnam-ssi :) There can't only be good things, there will come a time for you to shine once again

5. [+1,002, -25] Kim Tae Ho PD said that Kangnam's good at variety but he ran the risk of overexposing his image by going on too many shows at once. Stuff like this should be managed by his company but his company seems to just accept every show that he's offered. He's a friendly young man who treats people nicely.

6. [+808, -16] He overexposed his image way too fast... nowadays, you get a bit of fame and you're called on every show.

7. [+569, -13] I'd rather he focus on his original career as a singer... variety is all about how much of your image you can spend.. and there's a limit to selling a character of yourself.

8. [+523, -11] That's how the variety world is, you can get quick fame but it goes away just as fast. There's very few variety stars who stay at the top compared to how many actually work hard for it.


Article: Kangnam, the real reason for his anxiety

OSEN via Naver

1. [+6,428, -152] His agency screwed up by putting him on every show he was offered.. and I'm pretty sure I read months ago that he was going to release a solo album, which never happened, even though it sounds like he really wants to do it. As for his shows that were taken off air, he shouldn't blame himself. They were bad shows that anyone could've been on and couldn't save. I'm enjoying him on 'School' and 'I Live Alone' anyway so find strength.

2. [+5,656, -135] He's such a hard worker, I wish only the best for him

3. [+4,055, -118] Find strength! Your positive mind will pull you through

4. [+572, -13] His company is hopeless. When Kangnam was at the height of his fame, they could've put out an MIB album and promoted the group with him to get all their names out there but all they did was spin Kangnam through a bunch of shows. Look at EXID... as soon as Hani shot to fame, they put them back out promoting 'Up & Down' and then put out another album and look at where they are now.. Solji and Junghwa are promoting everywhere too. They should learn from this.

5. [+428, -9] His company overexposed his image on variety. He should've also rushed a solo album so that he could at least have a musician title to fall back on but instead he shot to fame and then fell down just as hard with nothing to fall back on.

6. [+306, -20] He seems like a good singer, maybe he can go on 'Mask Best Singer' and show his worth. Then his agency can support his career as a singer. But then again, 'Mask Best Singer' will also bury you if you suck, so..
