Hollywood: One Direction

Article: Top star 'One Direction' Louis Tomlinson becomes a father

X Sports News via Naver

1. [+273, -4] This is quite random. I guess this would be akin to TOP suddenly announcing he's a father in Korea ㅋㅋ

2. [+180, -6] "This scandal is on par with Korean top star Kim Hyun Joong" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+162, -10] His group won't be affected by it. Koreans might not know who One Direction is but they're one of the most popular groups in the world. They'd have no problem lasting the next 10 years.

4. [+101, -4] Foreigners seem to get married too fast

5. [+90, -2] Guys, remember your condoms. Always bring it for a healthy sex life.

6. [+29, -2] Hul, I forgot about this group until I randomly came across them today... what happened to that fresh boy band look they had at their debut.. and who is this image where they look like they could be a metal band...

7. [+23, -0] Imagine if this was Korea, he would've been exiled out. It'd be all over the internet and he'd never be allowed back on TV. People would be gossipping about how many days they were dating and broke up, whether his ex is prettier, how it's his coordi, how their levels don't match, how she's a foreigner... so tiring. I like this about Western culture... they respect personal decisions and keep private lives private.

8. [+23, -1] I don't think it's fair to call it a 'Kim Hyun Joong level scandal' considering how quiet and peaceful the happy ending to the story is...

9. [+15 -0] Why do they look so old now... do westerners have a gene where they suddenly age the minute they turn 18.
