Go Young Wook discharged from jail

Article: 'First celebrity with an electronic anklet' Go Young Wook's embarrassing history

Source: News 1 via Naver

1. [+7,763, -128] Unless he sets up his own personal broadcast, I doubt we'll ever be seeing him on TV again

2. [+7,695, -120] The first celebrity with an electronic anklet ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+5,713, -141] He's a pedo who doesn't care whether his victim's male or female

4. [+4,500, -113] He better live the rest of his life locked up in his house

5. [+839, -20] Don't you dare come back out on TV again and just be good to your parents. What an embarrassment for your parents... their faces already known nationwide because of you.


Article: Go Young Wook discharged, hides his electronic anklet "I'm sorry"

Ilgan Sports via Nate [2]

1. [+1,068, -86] For someone who's sorry, look at his tattoos and the wax in his hair.. sigh, trash bastard

2. [+913, -45] How can he even hold his head up for an interview with all that embarrassment he should be feeling????????????

3. [+710, -41] Should've stayed in jail, what's he even out for, so embarrassing

4. [+48, -8] He looks like a sexual criminal now

5. [+37, -4] Look at how he folded up the sleeve on his arm with the tattoo to show it off ㅋㅋㅋ he doesn't look like he's reflected at all

6. [+535, -17] Think of your mother who can't even leave her house now because she's so embarrassed of you, you idiot ㅡㅡ

7. [+422, -16] Look at all that wax and gel in his hair, all done up for his discharge... Young Wook-ah, wake up to reality

8. [+325, -14] With all that product in his hair, I don't think he's reflected enough yet
