Emoticons can convey more than words?

Article: Sometimes one 'emoticon' can convey more than a long message... can emoticons become a shared language of the world?

Source: MBC via Naver

Article talks about how emoticon usage on Kakao Talk goes up by 30% every year and how many more feel more comfortable conveying difficult emotions or messages through a simple emoticon. The emoticons also make it easier for it to be used in communications across all cultures.

1. [+2,472, -65] Kakao Talk's emoticons are super cute though

2. [+1,256, -61] But when I get an emoticon in response to something long I wrote, I feel like they're too lazy to talk to me ㅋㅋ;;

3. [+115, -3] Whoever came up with the Kakao Talk emoticons needs to be given an icon award ㅋㅋ

4. [+84, -0] I'd much prefer an emoticon rather than a response like "ㅋ"

5. [+87, -5] Sometimes seeing an emoticon puts me at ease

6. [+86, -4] You can have a whole conversation in emoticons nowadays

7. [+65, -13] As long as it's not in serious conversations. I wonder if they're looking down on me when they use emoticons when I'm being serious.

8. [+49, -4] Using emoticons while apologizing or asking for forgiveness just makes me angrier..

9. [+49, -7] Emoticons are great but depending on how you use them, it can make you look disinterested

10. [+39, -2] Emoticons are definitely useful ㅋㅋㅋ one of the best creations

11. [+34, -5] I'm so used to talking with emoticons that I feel like words sound sharper without them ㅜㅜ I wish we could use emoticons in business too ㅜㅜ

12. [+32, -6] I personally think Line has cuter emoticons, more variety too


(I imagine this is how you guys feel about using gifs in comments? :X)