TV: The Time We Were Not In Love (Pilot)

Article: Pilot broadcast 'The Time We Were Not In Love' Ha Ji Won in her thirties starts a 'some' with friend of 17 years Lee Jin Wook

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+400, -58] Ha Ji Won's so pretty and Lee Jin Wook's so handsome... didn't know where the time flew as I was watching ㅠㅠ

2. [+377, -45] Lee Jin Wook's so damn handsome ㅠㅠ

3. [+354, -71] There's a lot of talk about Ha Ji Won's acting being cringe but I think it's because people are used to her boyish roles so far ㅎ but she still proves to be a talented actress in the end considering her acting never reminds me of any of her previous roles and she fully immersed herself into her character of 'Oh Hana'. You normally can see traces of a star's previous character, in this case 'Gil Ra-Im', but I didn't get that at all. She matches Lee Jin Wook well and I'm looking forward to tomorrow ㅎㅎ


Source: Naver

1. [+4,000, -288] They match so well ㅠㅠ Finally a drama worth watching

2. [+3,392, -283] Fun drama ㅋㅋ Ha Ji Won's so pretty

3. [+2,816, -325] Ha Ji Won's acting was okay so I'm finding some of the criticisms about her laughable ㅋㅋ their chemistry's great

4. [+2,543, -225] Ha Ji Won's pretty even with age~~

5. [+689, -70] Melting over Lee Jin Wook's gaze

6. [+684, -77] The student version of Ha Ji Won was honestly cringe... but Ha Ji Won as an adult was damn pretty

7. [+602, -129] L getting a free ride on a done drama

8. [+491, -106] Ha Ji Won, seriously... fell for her in 'Secret Garden' and again in 'Empress Ki'.. and now she's with Lee Jin Wook ㅜㅜ today's pilot exceeded expectations ㅎㅎㅎ
