Throwing a cup of water at someone like in the dramas considered assault

Article: Throwing water at someone's face like in the dramas will land you with an assault charge

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+232, -5] Of course. It's something that can provoke an actual fight but people do it so easily in the dramas all the time. It's extremely embarrassing to have a cup of water thrown at your face in front of everyone.

2. [+131, -5] I was once on the receiving end of being hit by a cup of water and it honestly feels worse than listening to someone swear about your family. The embarrassment is even worsened when there are people around you watching. I had to hold back because of the people watching. And also because it was my mom who threw it at me.

3. [+126, -32] I mean, that's so expected of women. Copy whatever they see in dramas.

4. [+17, -4] Can you add a contempt charge to that too

5. [+11, -0] People in dramas hold back all the time because it's a drama... but you throw water at someone's face in real life and they'll get pissed super fast. It's degrading and embarrassing. I'd either report them to the police or do it right back.

6. [+9, -0] Whenever I saw scenes in dramas of the mother-in-law throwing water at the daughter-in-law, I always wondered why that was never an issue. It should definitely be considered assault.


Source: Naver

1. [+1,880, -140] Sad that women aren't able to differentiate between drama and reality and go around throwing cups of water at people's faces. Blame it all on the dramas.

2. [+1,301, -18] You can't just throw water at someone and get off scot free. It's extremely degrading to the person on the other end. This is a good decision...

3. [+1,018, -32] Why don't dramas get caught then?

4. [+707, -38] What if you take a sip of water and then spit it at them?

5. [+100, -2] Real life is not a drama... throw water at someone and you'll see what happens when they're pissed for real.

6. [+99, -5] Throwing water at someone is the same as slapping them... ajummas don't seem to be able to differentiate between dramas and reality anymore ㅋ

7. [+106, -14] Dramas are honestly ruining women

8. [+80, -4] So many people fail to differentiate between dramas and reality... they all want to be treated like a drama lead when they're no where near that level ㅋㅋㅋ
