Suzy shares her recent drawings on Instagram

Article: Suzy reveals talented drawing skills 'in awe'

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+354, -45] I'm a Suzy fan ㅋㅋㅋㅋ so I'm not trying to hate but even I can draw something of this level ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I feel like the journalist is just baiting hate;;;

2. [+344, -50] As the saying goes, if you're famous, even your poop will be something for people to applaud...

3. [+302, -63] Girl's Day Yura: *scoffs*

4. [+33, -33] She's not an art major or anything so she's pretty good for her level, stop the hate. You all talk like you expect her to major in art or draw like a painter. She just uploaded this for fans to see.

5. [+29, -29] Even I can draw this ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+26, -2] I'm a Suzy fan but there's nothing to be in awe over. I'm just glad that she shares parts of her life with her fans like this. I wish journalists would leave her alone when it comes to this stuff.

7. [+26, -16] Why can't Suzy draw for a hobby? She did fine for her level


Article: Suzy draws similar look to IU? Suzy's unexpected drawing skills

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+642, -177] Speaking objectively, she didn't draw these well. It's just one of those drawings where you're doodling because you don't want to study and you randomly draw something you actually think looks good but you go back to it later and it's not ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+354, -212] I think she has a touch for it

3. [+222, -189] Oh, not bad at all

4. [+141, -27] I guess if you're famous, even your poop is considered art

5. [+42, -6] What about this is supposed to be good? Is it only good because Suzy drew it?

6. [+35, -6] She should keep these drawings to herself~

7. [+26, -24] Why are people being so serious over drawings she did as a hobby? It's not like she learned professional art or majored in it. Anyway, I like Suzy~ glad to see that she's still close with IU.
