SISTAR releases comeback spoilers

Article: "Long hair? Cut it off"... SISTAR releases second comeback spoilers

Dispatch via Nate

1. [+1,015, -93] Can we cut off our president too

2. [+398, -53] Actually happy about the spoilers

3. [+336, -21] Isn't Duble Sidekick MC Mong??
- Disgusting
- You're right
- Disgusting Duble Sidekick. Go look up 'Duble Sidekick Park Jang Geun teeth', he's basically the same as MC Mong.

4. [+28, -8] SISTAR's teasers look better without their faces showing

5. [+28, -25] Always looking forward to a SISTAR song in the summer

6. [+26, -7] I'm not even curious because I know they're going to be in a similar concept again wearing panty shorts

7. [+19, -13] SISTAR may have a weak fandom but they're more public friendly and I'd rather that than groups with stupid fangirls

8. [+17, -1] I can already tell what this concept is going to be about. It's going to be a song telling men to f*ck off and they cut their hair for a fresh start. Boring.


: SISTAR Soyu, front back - it's all perfect... body steals your gaze

Source: 10asia via Nate

1. [+752, -95] She's just so rude

2. [+706, -95] What's it matter when she's so dumb..

3. [+586, -82] Every time I see SISTAR, I realize how important a celebrity's image or face is rather than their body. She can media play about her body all she wants and she's still not popular.

4. [+42, -4] She looks like a belly dancing ajumma

5. [+38, -14] Such an unfortunate face. Nowadays, even regular women on the streets have bodies this good.

6. [+35, -2] There's just nothing classy about her

7. [+33, -5] She's the cheapest looking in SISTAR. Cheaper than even the girls who work at pubs... who knows what she's like in real life but she really should manage her image..

8. [+21, -0] She looks like an ajumma no matter what she does
