Hyuna preparing a solo comeback for August

Article: Hyuna reps, "Preparing for a solo comeback with August in mind... nothing confirmed yet"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+419, -123] Please practice your singing before then
- Her position is rapper ㅋㅋㅋ why are you telling her to practice her singing ㅋㅋㅋ
- She's improved a lot, go listen to the MR removed for 'There Is No Tomorrow'

2. [+285, -35] Release an article once it's all confirmed..

3. [+287, -133] A singer who sings with her boobs~

4. [+272, -142] A singer who wins through not her singing but her body and boobs!!

5. [+64, -19] She started off her solo showing so much skin that everything's just boring now... she's at an age where she should be her cutest but she pushed such a hardcore sexy concept that her image has nothing left to show.. sad.

6. [+41, -5] I wish it'll be a girls hip hop concept ㅠㅠㅠ like Change ㅠㅠㅠ or since it's summer, a bubbly song like Bubble Pop!!!

7. [+52, -20] Hyuna's always the one getting support, the other members should get some support too like that leader Nam Jihyun
- Nam Jihyun has no talent though, the top when it comes to being skilled at nothing

8. [+27, -3] Hyuna has a great personality and is a great dancer with a good body but if she considers herself a singer, I wish she'd practice hard and prove herself once and for all. Always the same sexy concept with the sexy dances. It's time that she proves she's actually trying by either practicing her singing or rapping and showing it off.

9. [+18, -2] I wish she'd get a new concept... she's only a '92er but she's always acting sexy, showing skin, etc.. like a little kid trying to look like an adult ㅜㅜ

10. [+19, -9] Hoping for a concept like Ice Cream or Bubble Pop instead of Red. Hyuna looks best in bubbly concepts like that and the allusion to sexiness is better than outright sexiness.
