First round of the girl group comebacks

Article: First round of the girl group battle, what are the results?

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+2,671, -365] Just a Mamamoo win....

2. [+2,118, -263] Mamamoo has the best song!!! Do well ♥♥

3. [+1,306, -85] What even happened that round one is already over..

4. [+869, -56] So what were the results?
- SISTAR entered the 2nd level tier, AOA maintained their 2.5 level tier, Mamamoo entered the 2.5 level tier... basically Mamamoo benefit the most and won in the end

5. [+232, -43] Chart wise, SISTAR won but it feels more like Mamamoo won for some reason
- SISTAR failed public wise, Mamamoo made huge advancements and succeeded in the end

6. [+179, -46] Mamamoo!! Debut song was so good, they're just the best. I hope they can show more great charming music with their unique vocal colors, fighting!!

7. [+159, -41] Mamamoo had the best song!! I wish they'll get popular already

8. [+161, -49] On the charts, it's SISTAR > AOA > Mamamoo, but realistically, it's Mamamoo > SISTAR > AOA

9. [+123, -34] I preferred Mamamoo, didn't really feel SISTAR's song

10. [+60, -14] As someone in their thirties, they're all nugus
