Same Old: Hyosung

Article: Jun Hyosung, provocatively throws opens her shirt

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+408, -24] "I am a singer"

2. [+389, -37] So are we supposed to believe her when she says she hates that she got famous for her body..?

3. [+165, -15] And yet she asks people not to talk about her breasts anymore ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ how about you not go on Ilbe anymore

4. [+22, -2] The singer who everyone remembers for her chest and not her song

5. [+19, -1] "I'm not a pair of breasts, I am a singer" keep your actions to your words, please

6. [+14, -1] Looks like those strip dancer outfits sold in front of the American army bases

7. [+9, -1] Media play all the time with her breasts tsk

8. [+8, -0] Sexy concepts are a double edged sword. Once you ruin your image with it, it's so hard to recover ㅋㅋㅋ especially since everyone is doing it~
